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How Long Do Farm Fresh Eggs Last Unrefrigerated

When it comes to farm-fresh eggs,many people wonder about their shelf life and how they should be stored.One common question is how long farm fresh eggs last when left unrefrigerated.We will explore this topic in detail and answer some related questions.

Topics Covered:

  • Introduction
  • Factors that affect egg freshness and shelf life
  • How long do farm fresh eggs last unrefrigerated?
  • How to store farm-fresh eggs properly?
  • How to test the freshness of eggs?
  • Conclusion


Farm-fresh eggs are often considered to be a delicacy and are highly sought after by food enthusiasts.They are considered to be fresher and tastier than store-bought eggs,which are often weeks or even months old.However,farm-fresh eggs can be a bit tricky to store,and many people wonder how long they will last when left unrefrigerated.

Factors that affect egg freshness and shelf life:

The freshness and shelf life of eggs depend on several factors,such as the breed of the chicken,the age of the egg,and the way the egg is stored.Eggs from different breeds of chickens may have different shelf lives.Also,as eggs age,their quality and freshness degrade,leading to a shorter shelf life.Finally,how the eggs are stored can also impact their shelf life.

How long do farm fresh eggs last unrefrigerated?

Farm-fresh eggs can be stored at room temperature for up to two weeks.However,the exact time they will last can vary depending on the factors mentioned earlier.Eggs should be kept in a cool,dry place away from sunlight and heat sources.

It is important to note that once eggs are refrigerated,they should stay refrigerated to prevent bacterial growth.So,if you have stored eggs at room temperature,you should not put them in the fridge later as this can cause them to spoil faster.

How to store farm-fresh eggs properly?

Proper storage is essential to ensure the freshness and quality of farm-fresh eggs.The best way to store eggs is in a cool,dry place with a consistent temperature,away from sunlight and heat sources.A pantry or cabinet that stays at room temperature works well.Do not store eggs in the fridge door,as the temperature is less consistent.

It is important to handle eggs with care to avoid cracking them,which can cause bacteria to enter and spoil the eggs.Store eggs with the pointed end down,as this helps to keep the yolk centered and prevents it from touching the shell.You can also store eggs in a special egg carton that helps to protect them from damage.

How to test the freshness of eggs?

To check if an egg is fresh,there are several tests you can perform.One is the float test,which involves placing the egg in a bowl of water.If it sinks to the bottom and lies flat,it is very fresh.If it stands upright on the bottom,it is a bit older but still good to eat.If it floats to the top,it is no longer fresh and should be discarded.

Another test is to crack the egg open and check the color and texture of the yolk and the white.A fresh egg will have a firm yolk that is bright yellow or orange in color,and the white will be thick and not spread out much.If the yolk is flat and the white is thin and watery,the egg is no longer fresh.


In conclusion,farm-fresh eggs can last up to two weeks when stored at room temperature,but proper storage and handling are essential to ensure their freshness and quality.The factors that affect egg freshness include the breed of the chicken,the age of the egg,and the way it is stored.